I have one clean-ish room! =) Last night Darwin put our new table together, and today I put together two of the six chairs. The only ones (that matched the table) that IKEA had in stock came with WHITE fabric cushions. Blech. I went to JoAnn Fabric and bought some thick clear vinyl and covered the cushins before putting the chairs together. Hopefully that will keep them nice for awhile. I also went to Fred Meyer today and bought bamboo placemats so that we can keep the table nice for awhile too. They were on sale for $2.99!

That is a really nice table set. I hope to have something like that someday.
It was only like $300 at IKEA! It seats from 4 to 8 people (it has two extension pieces) and the chairs were like $35 a piece. We used our stimulus check to buy them, along with a desk, sofa, love seat, and a filing cabinet.
Beautiful new "stuff" and beautiful hard wood floors! When I looked at the picture I felt some deja vu. I think Micah and Cori looked at a house with a dining room so similar it was spooky!
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