27 June 2008

Moving Day 3

Well, the computer is almost out of battery, but we are on the third day of packing, and it was supposed to be the last, but the mover guys are on Maui time, so they are coming back tomorrow. We got most of the upstairs cleaned today...the walls, mirrors, windows(inside and out...Darwin and Isaiah went out on the roof for this!), carpets vacuumed, and some of the bathroom tackled. I even vacuumed the screens. We are in the bed and breakfast now for the first night, and earlier we took the kids to see Wall-E. It was pretty cute. Darwin had to go to work and to get some nail hole filler, so I am doing this really quick. I sure hope the movers get a move on tomorrow...because I don't work on Sunday, and Monday is our checkout with the property manager.


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