Wow! Three posts in one morning! I am just working on my informative speech for communications, and have decided to speak about my experiences with getting approved for adoption. I have been researching a lot online, and came across this website for birthmothers. It had a media download kit...which was this picture, another picture, the website logo, and a screen shot of the I used my killer photoshop skills to make this poster. =) If you would like to help us promote adoption in your area, please save this poster to your computer, print it off, and hang it up somewhere in your community. I added the, and links to the bottom, because they also have lots of good information for birthmothers as well. The poster should print out to be 8x10. Thanks for helping! Now I really have to leave and go to Math class! =)

That's a good poster. If I had the printer hooked up I'd print it out .
Oh yeah, where do you get photoshop from and how much does it cost? I've been wanting photoshop forever
Melissa. is there anything that you have tried that you arent good at?! :D you are so talented. I think this poster is just so cool.
hey you should add this picture to Lila's new group on facebook. the one about....Adoption?? hahaha. cuz this picture is really cool!
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