26 September 2008
Brooklin's principal called yesterday.....
He just called to tell us that! Pretty cool!
We are excited that she has an A in math. Last year she had straight A's except for math, and that was always at a C.
Also, she ran in her second cross country meet yesterday too. They had to run the course twice around. There were two huge mud bogs to run through, and up (in Brooklin's words) "a 90 degree angle" each time. She improved her placement in the race by one (from 10th to 9th) and will find out on Monday if she improved her time. I didn't have my camera this time because we went straight from the little's school to a Dr. appt. for Caleb, and then right to the meet. We missed the boys race, and didn't even get to see her start. The first time we saw her, her legs and shoes were covered with mud...and she got to run through it again. =)
Good job Brooklin!
24 September 2008
Soaking and nearly Freezing
Saturday afternoon, we drove up to the glacier to take our pictures for our Christmas cards. I didn't want everyone wearing coats in the picture, and it was mostly sunny and still warm enough to take off the jackets for a few pictures. After getting some good pictures, it started to sprinkle, so I put the camera away, and Darwin decided that we should go on a hike. He promised he would buy bear spray and bear bells for me...but he hadn't gotten around to it yet. So here we go on a hike at the glacier with no bear spray, no gun, no dog, blah blah blah, and it is raining. Then it starts raining harder....then then even harder. It is pretty much pouring now, and I am about as uncomfortable as I've been in 3 years...no bears in Hawaii... I really am terrified of seeing a bear while hiking. I didn't think we were making enough noise, so I scuffed my feet the whole way. Darwin thought this was humorus, so then I got mad. I was also complaining a lot. He kept telling me to just go back to the car, but there was no way that I was going to go hiking by myself back to the car! I finally whined enough that he consigned to turn around and go back to the car with us. The rain had soaked through all our coats, and we were really wet. We went straight to Western Auto, and bought me some bear spray and bear bells...laugh all you want...they tell my brain that I am ok, so I won't whine as much. And did you all know that bear spray is $50 to $90!! Anyway....
Here is a picture of us after the hike. I am happy to be within sight of our van (it is the green one) and Darwin is like, "So what's everyone's problem...it's just water...I'm just glad my wife isn't complaining anymore."
22 September 2008
A future promotion and a calling
We are very excited that he was selected to promote to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). The list had 342 names on it, and you can see that Darwin is 245 on the list. Basically, the email said there were eight "super stars" (my words) and they were at the top, and then they kind of go by when he graduated from Officer Candidate School...which was Sept of 1999. The guy who graduated at the top of their class is #229. Now I asked him a ton of questions about what this actually all means, and pretty much, it takes about a year to actually get the promotion, and technically they could move us again, but they told him they probably wouldn't shop his job, because it is hard to fill. (No one wants to come to Alaska.) So anyway, within a year or so, he will be promoted, and we are really excited.
Darwin also got a calling at church this Sunday. He was called (and sustained) to be the 2nd counselor in the Elders Quorum. The bishopric actually came over two weeks ago and asked him to do another calling (that he honestly wasn't very excited about but said yes to) and then last Sunday when they were supposed to sustain him, they didn't. It was kind of weird. Then the Stake President found us, and asked him to do this job. I think he was kind of glad that it is not scouting again. He has been the scout master for the past 7 years, and he was really ready for a break, even though he does like working with the scouts.
I still don't have any callings at church...hehe! I did play the piano and give the lesson in Relief Society yesterday, but that was just filling in for people that were gone. I've never taught in Relief Society before, so I was really nervous, but it went ok. Guess that is all for now. ~MeJ
21 September 2008
Congratulations Strasser Family on your newest addition!! We love you!!

Adoption Profile Updates

Brooklin's first race
17 September 2008
What's on TV?

14 September 2008
The salmon and what became of her

Tonight we had the salmon for dinner. It was pretty good...and I am not a salmon eater. I have found though, that if I cook the fish, I like it way more than if anyone else does. In fact until last week, I hated salmon. I've tried it several times, several different ways, but I can never eat more than a taste. Last week I cooked the earlier salmon that Darwin caught, and I liked it then as well. It was fried. This was a stew. I thought I would put the recipe down for it, if any of y'all would like to try it.

4 slices bacon, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 large onion, chopped
2 large potatoes, diced
1 large can (28 oz.) tomatoes
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
4 whole bay leaves
2 or 3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
2 lbs salmon fillets cut into 2-inch pieces
In a 4- or 5-quart pan, fry bacon over medium heat until browned;add onion and potatoes to bacon and drippings and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes, or until onion is limp. Add tomatoes and their liquid and break up tomatoes with a spoon. Stir in water, lemon juice, Worcestershire, bay leaves, garlic, salt, and pepper; cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add salmon, stirring gently to mix; cover and continue cooking for 5 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Serves four to five.
12 September 2008
Comic relief...

09 September 2008
Back to normal....BLAH!
Yesterday I:
*made the bed
*washed 3 loads of laundry
*folded 2 loads of laundry
*cleaned the counters
*cleaned the bathroom sinks (B. did the one downstairs)
*changed the towels in the kitchen and bathroom
*cleaned the top shelf in the fridge
*B. vacuumed the living room rugs
*C. swept the stairs, entry, kitchen, and dining room
*C. took out the trash
*cleaned the toilets
*made real dinner
*practiced piano
*and did homework until I cried (I really couldn't figure out two math problems, and had to email the teacher)
For those who don't have the awesome house cleaning book, I am a total list person. If I can check something off of a list, I completely feel like I have accomplished something. The lists are really good, and have stuff on them like; clip children's nails, work on a hobby, pay the bills, plan for birthday cards/gifts, change furnace/ac filters....etc. Very thorough. I found my list at motivatedmoms.com. They even have Bible chapters to read everyday! I'm not sure that I have ever finished an entire page before, and I know that the sinks need to be cleaned every day now, but being able to check off the list makes me feel like I did something and I can prove it! =)
Well, I must be off to school now....Math. I really love math, I am just getting so many rules mixed up in my head, I don't know which one to do first! And this morning, I have already cleaned mirrors, washed laundry, and emptied the dishwasher....and played on facebook and blogged! hehehe!
04 September 2008
Hot Tub Baby
I am a baby.
I could barely get up enough nerves to walk the 15 feet from the back door to the hot tub. It was in the 40's and I couldn't make myself step out the back door wearing only a swimming suit. I put on a sweatshirt and wrapped up in a towel. I walked out to it, and then couldn't make myself take off the warm clothes (right now, there isn't any place to hang a towel or anything) so I went back in the house and found a little rolling wire shelf thing (it doesn't have a place right now) and brought it out with me. I was able to get the towel off, and then froze my legs trying to get in without touching the sides of the hot tub. After getting my legs in, I took off my sweatshirt. My jaw went nuts chattering, and didn't stop for a few minutes after getting in. Then I complained...a lot. I was cold, the water wasn't hot enough, I didn't like the smell of the chemical mist... Luckily, my husband knows that I have a hard time with new things in the water...have you read about my first time snorkeling?? Anyway, I was finally able to relax, and next time I will have more fun and not whine so much. It was a little fun, but I am too cautious for my own good sometimes.