My brother Micah, his wife Cori, and their daughter Aria welcomed a new member of their family today. Teagan Arthur Strasser was born yesterday afternoon in Twin Falls, ID. I don't know his height/weight/etc. yet, but his birthmom called them yesterday morning to let them know she was in labor. They drove two hours to Twin Falls and got there just after he was born. They were supposed to be signing the paperwork today at 4pm to adopt him. We are so excited that our family has been blessed so richly these past few weeks with the adoptions of two new little boys. Micah and his family have been patiently waiting to adopt a child since August 2006.
Congratulations Strasser Family on your newest addition!! We love you!!

Congratulations Strasser Family on your newest addition!! We love you!!

1 comment:
congrats auntie!!! what wonderful news for their family. I am truly happy for them.
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