31 May 2008
The Host

Adoption Contact for today
29 May 2008
My next project...well one of them
This is the beginning of my next quilt. I am making this quilt for our birthmom. I got the idea while I was reading another couple's blog, and the wife made a quilt for their birthmom. I went out that same night and bought my favorite fabric at the "expensive" fabric store. I am using the design my mother-in-law used on the quilt she made for us for valentines day, because when I was telling someone what the design was, I said it had hearts and leaves on it. When I said it outloud, I thought wow, I guess that would be how a birthmom would feel when she placed her baby in the arms of another family...like part of her heart leaves. London was asking me why I was making the quilt for the birthmom, and I told her that there would be days when the birthmom would be really sad, and sometimes when your sad, it is nice to be able to wrap up in a blanket. London asked why she would be sad, and I said, "Well, she will probably be sad that she couldn't keep her baby, and she will probably miss the baby as well." London got kind of concerned, and said, "Why can't she keep her baby?!" It was kind of a realization for her...she made the connection that if we got to have a new baby in our house, that it meant that another girl would have to give her child to us. I told her that sometimes the girl isn't ready to be a mom, because she is around the same age as the girls who come to babysit for us. She didn't know that they could have babies at that age. I also told her that sometimes that is the best plan for the baby, even if the mom is old enough to have a baby. Anyway, this is the beginnings of the quilt. I don't think I will get it done before we move, but I have started it and will be working on it until they pack up my sewing machine.
The layout
There will be dark brown lines inbetween all of the white blocks and around the edges.
27 May 2008
Another blanket done
Close up
Front and Back
26 May 2008
Brooklin's 1st talk
Good afternoon my brothers and sisters and ALOHA! A couple of weeks ago, I went to young women’s for the first time. Soon after we started, bishop walked in and gave me a piece of paper. Everybody kept on saying things like, “Wow...that was quick....” and “He sure doesn’t waste any time.” At first, I had no idea what was going on and what the small slip of paper was for, but, as you can see, I do now!
My topic for today is the Articles of Faith. The articles of faith were first made when Joseph Smith was a prophet. He first wrote them in a letter to a man named John Wentworth, who was a newspaper editor, in response to his request to know what the members of the church believed.
The articles of faith are the thirteen basic points of belief in our church. Each one outlines one of the doctrines that our church teaches to us.
Right now I’d like to talk about a few of the articles of faith. The first one I’d like to share with you is the fourth one. The fourth article of faith goes like this, “We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are first, faith in the lord Jesus Christ, second, repentance, third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, fourth, laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.” My sister, London, is getting baptized soon, and after that, she will get the Holy Ghost. This article of faith talks about the four most important steps that we need to take to live with our heavenly father again. Over the past seven and a half years, she has accumulated faith in abundance, and we also accumulate faith and a testimony, when we follow the commandments and choose the right.
The last one that I’d like to talk about is article of faith number one. I know that you think that I’m doing everything out of order, and that I should have done number one, well, where number one usually goes, at the beginning, but bear with me. The first article of faith is “We believe in god the eternal father and in his son, Jesus Christ, and in the holy ghost.” This means that we believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three different personages. Many churches believe just the opposite, and that they are one all person. We know this is not true and that they are all separate beings. When Joseph Smith saw the first vision in the sacred grove, he saw not one being speaking to him out of the light, but two.
As I was preparing for this talk, I came across a story from the October 1978 New Era. It was written by President Spencer W. Kimball. Here is how it goes.
“Some time ago, there was a young boy who was traveling by train to California. He sat all alone across the isle from a man who was also going to California. When he saw the little boy, who was traveling alone, dressed quite neatly and behaving very well, he was impressed by him and went across the isle to talk to him.
He asked how the boy was doing and where he was going. He soon found out that the boy had family in Los Angeles, and was going to visit them. When the man asked where he was from, he answered, “Utah”. “Oh,” said the man, “You must be Mormon.”
“Yes” said the boy with pride in his voice.
“That’s interesting.” The man said, “I’ve been through there once or twice and noticed the beautiful buildings tree lined roads, lovely homes, and wondered what they believed.”
The boy quickly said, “I can tell you!” then recited the first article of faith.
The man was slightly surprised, but listened to the boy as he went on.
Then the boy went on to say the second article of faith. The man thought, “It is quite unusual for a boy of such a young age to know all this.”
He went on to recite the third and fourth articles of faith, and with some encouragement and praise, went on and recited number five.
“That is wonderful. I am amazed that you know so much about the doctrines of your church!” Said the man. To which the boy answered, “Do you want to know more?”
As the man listened to the boy recite numbers six through seven than commented, “It sounds as if you believe in the bible!” “We do” said the boy, then recited number eight.
The man listened to him as he told him the rest of the articles of faith. When the boy finished, he relaxed and the man was very excited.
“When I'm done in Los Angeles, I’m going to stop in Salt Lake to learn more about the gospel” said the man. And he did.
Have any of you had this kind of experience? Have all of you memorized your articles of faith? If not, I encourage you to do so now because you are always prepared to teach the gospel and do missionary work when you know your articles of faith.
(Bear testimony. )
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
25 May 2008
Adoption Contact
24 May 2008
Water balloon fight
Dar got a container of water balloons for his birthday last week, so this morning we filled up a bunch of them, and had a water balloon fight. It was short, but it was really fun.
22 May 2008
Wildcat of the Month
Caleb made student of the month! He is the only one of our kids to make it this year. The First year we were here, only London made it. Last year, all three (Brooklin, Caleb, and London) made Wildcat, and this year the teachers were told to try and recognize different students...because the same few kids were making it each year and the "regular students" were not being recognized, so the teachers tried this year to pick some of the students that hadn't had a chance, and really were doing a good job, but maybe not shining as brightly as the stellar children. Anyhow, the woman who is speaking is the principal, and the woman who is handing out the goodie bags is our PCNC (which I can't remember what that stands for, but she works for the school and is in charge of a lot of the extra stuff...fund raisers and such). Anyhow, we are very proud of Caleb for making Wildcat of the Month. He got a goodie bag with candy and a gift card to Borders Bookstore in it.
20 May 2008
Another weird adoption contact
Instead of sending a forward...
Three men from Texas were sitting together one day bragging about how they had given their new wives duties.
The first man had married a woman from Illinois and had told her that she was going to have to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.
The second man had married a woman from Michigan . He had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge dinner on the table.
The third man had married a girl from Idaho. He told her that her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little bit out of his left eye, enough to fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher.
17 May 2008
May Day
Isaiah's Class
This is Isaish's class. If you look carefully, you can count three little mohawks. The blonde boy sitting next to him, is the one who started the "craze". Isaiah's teacher is the Japanese/Hawaiian lady facing sideways.
Caleb's Class
15 May 2008
The real spear fishing video
Sorry to any of you that watched the other 10 minute video of the ocean! This is the real spear fishing video!
My second quilt is done.
Close up of back
Front and back1st shipment gone!!
Tomorrow is the school's May Day preformance. Isaiah's grade is doing a hula, London's class is doing the electric slide, and Caleb's class is doing a chant and a hula. Brooklin's school doesn't do May Day. She wanted to know if she could skip school and come to the preformance, but I told her no. Mostly because I am mean, I think. =)
House hunting is giving me an ulcer...not really, but it is stressful. We have decided to sell Darwin's Ford Exploder, and just buy a different car when we get to Juneau. It was going to cost roughly $3000 to ship it, so it really isn't worth it. We are still deciding if we should sell some of our other furniture before leaving, or just keep it. We are definatly going to sell the computer desk though. It is too big, and we have never had a desk make it through a move yet. It is difficult to get reimbursed for things they break...they make it that way, so you get discouraged with the amount of paperwork, and just give up I think...so we are just going to cut it off at the source this time and sell it here. I'm not really sure how we are going to even get it out of the house, because it is so big, but I guess we will figure it out.
I think that is all of the updates for now. I'm going to post pictures of my second quilt now, and try and upload the real spear fishing video.
13 May 2008
Happy Birthday Brooklin & Darwin
Next, Happy 36th Birthday to my very best friend, my companion, my love. I actually started this post on his birthday, but I ran out of time, and now it is tomorrow. I love my husband more than words can describe. I appriciate that he loves me, even when I am a cactus, and that he still opens doors for me, and treats me like a queen. I am so grateful that he holds and honors the priesthood, and is able to bless our family when we are in need. I love that he loves his job and that it makes what we need, so I can be a mom. I am grateful that he encourages me to reach my goals and learn new things. I enjoy his sense of humor. It's funny to watch peoples' reactions to him when they really don't know if he is being serious or making a joke...although I do have to get after him for it a lot. I am thankful that we were married in the Lord's temple for time and eternity. Knowing that gives me such peace in my life. I am glad that he is an awesome father to our children. They know that he is always up for playing outside and going on adventures with them. I think I'm one of the luckiest girls around, to have found my truest friend in my husband. We will make 14 years this July, and through all the awesome and wonderful, hard and rocky, lean and plenty of it, I am still madly in love with him. Thank you for loving me...I love you more!
Ok...to the presents. Darwin got a container of water balloons from Isaiah, a rubber shark and a pocket knife from London, a set of Nerf guns from Caleb, and a kite from Brooklin. I got him a book called "Mormon Scientist" by Henry J Eyring, a movie called "Return with Honor", and an ipod case and headphones. His ipod got stolen at the LAX airport on his way home from Florida, and he has been begging unmercifully for a new one. He actually used it every day, so the need was there, but I didn't want to shell out the dough for a new one. Anyway, if you noticed, I only bought him a case and headphones. He was kind of wondering what good they were going to do him without an ipod to attach them to. I told him there might be one more present, but he would have to look through all the dresser drawers (12 of them) to find it. He found an ipod in the 10th drawer he looked in. It said "To: Darwin From: Your Girlfirend (because your wife wouldn't do this)" The kids all asked who his girlfriend was! I said, "Well, I am" Being his wife, I would not pay this much for a present...not because I don't love him, just because I pay all the bills and am keenly aware of all of our expenses. Girlfriends on the other hand never nag about money and just want to get what their man wants...so I decided to I would be his girlfriend and not worry about the cost (this once). He hasn't put it down since. =) For his birthday outing, we went out to see "Iron Man". I wasn't really excited to go and see it, but it turned out to be pretty good.
Look how happy he was just to get the case and the headphones!! He will always make a goofy face when I try to take a picture of him, and he forgot and actually smiled for this one!
12 May 2008
Turtle video
Darwin took Gary (a friend from Juneau who is here visiting) out spear fishing today. No luck, but they got some good video of a turtle.
10 May 2008
Quick post
07 May 2008
Today's adoption contact
MeJ: aloha
s*: i found your profile on parent profiles and i really like you guys!
MeJ: oh! How are you?
s*: very goo dthanks, you?
MeJ: do you have any ?'s for us?
s*: yes actually,
MeJ: shoot....
s*: are your children homeschooled
MeJ: no
MeJ: they all attend public school
s*: great
MeJ: I also volunteer all day every Wed at their school
s*: thats very nice
MeJ: did you have any other questons?
s*: also, if we were to choose you would you prefer an arangement where we would get pictures or no contact or the "auntie" thing or what?
MeJ: we would be open to any of that...we plan to make a plan that is good for both us and the birth family
s*: okay and last question
s*: I live in Hawaii and I was wondering if we would meet before the birth or if you would come after? I am 18 weeks by the way.
MeJ: That is up to you. We would love to meet you....what island are you on?....and it would be nice to get to know you a little, so if we were to raise your child, we would be able to tell them about their birth parents and such.
s*: I live on Maui
MeJ: oh wow! we are in Wailuku...but I will be up front right now....My husband is in the Coast Guard and we just got our moving orders, and will be moving back to Juneau, AK on the 4th of July. We are able to come back here, but I just wanted to let you know now, so it isn't a suprise.
s*: thats okay, i appreciate you letting me know!
s*: well thank you very much for talking to me but i do have to go to sleep, I'm in transition between major ebergy and dead tired right now and im just starting to show and i have to study for university finals tomorrow morning!
s*: Thank You !
MeJ: can I add you on my friend list?
s*: yes of course you can
MeJ: well, goodnight...and thanks for the contact
s*: thank you! good night!
s* has signed out. (5/7/2008 7:44 PM)
04 May 2008
Piano Recital
Well, we had our piano recital last night. It was really fun. It was Brooklin's 3rd recital, London's 2nd, and my 1st. London played "I Am A Child of God" from the red Primary Partners book. She did a great job. She memorized her song as well. Here is the video of her playing.
Brooklin played a song from The Little Mermaid..."Part of Your World" by Alan Menkin. She also memorized her piece...which was over 4 minutes long! She did awesome. She said that the whole time she was playing, her fingers and legs were shaking a lot.
I played a song from the Disney version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"..."God Help the Outcasts" by Alan Menkin. I didn't think I was going to be able to do it. My hands and legs were shaking so much, it felt like my body was experiencing an earthquake. I played it better than I ever have though. The video camera ran out of batteries just as I sat down at the piano, so we missed most of the first page of the song...so I had to preform it again for the camera at the house. I didn't do as well playing it at the house, but you get the general idea. We had a lot of fun, and I am glad I got to do it. It is a lot different than playing on occasion in Primary!
*** If the videos of Brooklin and I are not on here yet, it is because they were too long for the blogger way of posting them, and I am waiting for them to download on YouTube, so they will be on here shortly...so check back later.***