Tonight I was searching the internet to see if I could find anyone who was willing to help a 33 year old first time college student with her tuition. I found a website that was supposed to search for scholarships that were tailored to a set of questions I answered...stuff like gender, military status, state, race, and so on and so on. Anyhow, at the end of the questionairre, it came up with 98 scholarships for me to look through. I was like "Wow! This isn't as hard as I thought it would be!"....oh contraire!! The first scholarship on the list was for a plumber!! I'm pretty sure I answered the "What field of study are you going into" question as "Business/managemen/etc." Ok, so maybe they think I am going to manage a Mr. Rooter or something. The next page was even less help. "Caddie Scholarship" for the state of New Jersey. I know that I put Alaska down...and I don't even like golf! Thinking it had to get better, I clicked on the third page, and that is when I knew that they must have meant for me to check the boxes to exclude me from scholarships....not include. This is the funniest thing I've seen today... saying this is the funniest thing I've
ever seen would be a little dramatic and untrue. Anyway, the name of this scholarship is "Duck Brand Duct Tape Stuck at Prom Scholarship" Basically you have to make you and your date a set of prom clothes out of duct tape, and then prove you wore them to prom, and send a picture of yourselves to their website, and they will give the winners a $3000 dollar scholarship! The rules specifically state that you must attend a prom this year with a student, and I know for sure that I stated that I was an adult student. Anyway, I clicked on the website and they had all the pictures from last year's contest, and it was pretty funny. There were over 175 pictures, and after about 50, I had to stop and get the littles ready for bed, but here are some of my favorites from the ones I saw. BTW, the link to the website is

That is pretty talented. I would never have guess that to be tape.
WOW! and I was totally blown away with Micah's silver duct tape tie and top hat! Who would have thought? I do hope you "stumble" upon some kind of scholarship that is really obtainable. That would be awesome!
I actually know someone that I went to high school with. She did a duct tape dress for one of the school dances. Those pictures of the duct tape clothes are pretty cool.
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