I was going through a box of random file folders from the shed...insert groan...and found these envelopes from a Family Home Evening we did in 2005. There was a picture and a fill-in-the-blank letter in each one (except Darwin's...he must not have filled his out). The letter was titled "A Letter to Myself", and it was so fun to find them and read what we had written! I am going to type them up on here so eventually they will make it into a bound book. =) The letters are all dated January 31, 2005.

Today's date is
31Jan05. I am
30 years old. I measure
5'3" tall. I really like to
read books with my family. When I spend time with my friends, we often
make stamped cards. Some of my friends are
Wendy, Olga, Melanie. Here are some of my favorites:
- Song or musician:
- Television show: Survivor, CSI
- Game: geocaching, Sims, Skip-Bo
- Book: the 5 people you meet in heaven
- Food: Chocolate - the good kind
- Primary Activity: Singing
- Place to visit: family
- Hobby: reading, sewing, playing Sims
One goal I hope to achieve by the end of this year is
to read my scriptures regularly. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers because
when I pray I get answers. I well try to remember to say my prayers every morning and night. See you next year! Love,
Melissa (I didn't answer all of the questions...)

Today's date is
1-31-05. I am
8 years old. I measure
4 feet 7 inches tall. I really like to
play with my family! When I spend time with my friends, we often
play the gutar. Some of my friends are
Ryann and Aly. Here are some of my favorites:
- Song or musician: cuntry
- Television show: The Parenttrap
- Game: Harry Potter
- Book: Narnia
- Food: Baked Potato
- Primary Activity: articles of faith
- Place to visit: Sis. Kearns house (Brooklin had just started going to girl's activity days at Tanis Kearns's house)
- Hobby: jumprope and read
What I most remember about 2004 is school because I was in 2nd grade but learned 3rd.
I was pleased with myself when I learned divtion because it was a challenge to accomplish. One thing I hope to learn to do better in 2005 is my cursive letters. If I could make a wish for 2005, it would be London wouldn't make a big mess in my room.
One goal I hope to achieve by the end of this year is to read for an hour nonstop.
The Primary's My Gospel Standards are important in my life. I plan to improve on the following standards this year: To seek good friends and trat others kindly.
If I'm ever discouraged, the scriptures can help me feel the Spirit. My favorite scripture story is James chapter 1 verse 5, If you ever lak of wisdom, let him ask of god. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers because I have felt the holly gost throu prayr befor. I well try to remember to say my prayers every morning and night.
Well, see you next year!
Love, Brooklin
P.S. I forgot to say that I really like crab and shrimp with melted buter.

Today's date is
1-31-05. I am
7 years old. I measure
3'11" tall. I really like to
be with my family! When I spend time with my friends, we often
play games. Some of my friends are
Charlie, TJ. Here are some of my favorites:
- Song or musician: Are you Sleeping
- Television show: Transformers
- Game: Hide and Go Seek
- Book: Things that Go
- Food: Mac & Cheese
- Primary Activity: play games
- Place to visit: Idaho Falls
- Hobby: writing practice
One thing I hope to learn to do better in 2005 is how to write cursive.
Well, see you next year!
Love, Caleb

Today's date is
1-31-05. I am
4 years old. I measure
3' 6 1/2 " tall. I really like to
play with my family! When I spend time with my friends, we often
play. Some of my friends are
Kindee, Winter, Ferris, Jakob, Britney. Here are some of my favorites:
- Song or musician: 1o little indians
- Television show: Ponies & Dora
- Game: London's Clues (which I think is like Blue's Clues).
- Book: Sesame Street School Book
- Food: Mac & Cheese
- Primary Activity: eat
- Place to visit: Our Backyard (this was an indoor playground in Juneau...it isn't open anymore)
- Hobby: think what to do
What I most remember about 2004 is played eye toy because it was fun.
I was pleased with myself when I make my bed because it was a challenge to accomplish. One thing I hope to learn to do better in 2005 is eat my food faster. If I could make a wish for 2005, it would be I wish I could have the whole pony set.
One goal I hope to achieve by the end of this year is to go to kindergarten.
If I'm ever discouraged, the scriptures can help me feel the Spirit. My favorite scripture story is Joseph Smith. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers because he loves me. I well try to remember to say my prayers every morning and night.
Well, see you next year!
Love, London

Today's date is
31Jan2005. I am
2 1/2 years old. I measure
35 1/2 " tall. I really like to
family evening with my family! When I spend time with my friends, we often
play with toys in the nursery. Some of my friends are
Sam, Caleb Kearns Lance and Hunter. Here are some of my favorites:
- Song or musician: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
- Television show: Dora the Explorer
- Game: Eye Toy Bubbles
Well, see you next year!
Love, Isaiah