Well....we all made it to Juneau safely. Our plane unloaded us right onto the ground, and it was like stepping into a freezer to me. It was 50 degrees, misting, and cloudy....and it has been that way ever since. I'm not complaining, I was just really hoping that we were going to have some time to gradually adjust to the cooler temps. Oh well.
We got into Juneau at 9:45 pm on Sunday night, and after getting the rental car and hotel situated, I left to go and get milk and cereal for in the morning. When I got into Safeway, I had the most extreme case of deja vu I've ever experienced. It was very weird! It has been really interesting to drive around here and see all this stuff that I was very sure I wasn't ever going to see again.
Yesterday, I went and looked at an FSBO, and then went to visit the realtor that sold us our home here last time, and she took us to look at six houses. We are meeting with her again later this afternoon to look at seven more houses. Miss Wendy offered to watch the littles for us yesterday and today, so we wouldn't have to take off and put on six pairs of shoes....I am so grateful to her and her family for being such good friends.
After we ate dinner, we went to look at some trucks at the car dealerships around here. We waited until we knew they would be closed so we could look without pressure. At the last one, we were noticing that it appeared that the dealership was going through a name change, or maybe it was under new managment....the sign said one name, and all the cars had another name on the plate covers. Anyway, we know the guy who's name was on all of the plate covers, and were wondering if he had bought the dealership (we know that he owns at least two dealerships in the area, but he lives in Ketchikan) and just then this guy comes out, and it is him!! He sold Dar his gold and black truck that we had when we were here last time, and it was really crazy that he was here and that we saw him. We got to chat with him, and he told Darwin to call him directly to get a deal on a truck, and he would take care of us personally. I guess that he owns five dealerships now...and he said, "Paying tithing really works!!" It was funny.
Anyway, I need to get out of the house. I need to go and visit the bank and the university sometime today. Pray that we can find the right house quickly!
29 July 2008
21 July 2008
Craters of the Moon National Park
We went to Craters of the Moon National Park yesterday....it took three days to pull up all the pictures it is now Thursday night, and we went on Monday... It was really fun, and the kids got to see their first snow in three years! We hiked up hills, and into underground lava tubes/caves. We enjoyed being with Darwin's sisters and their kids.
Darwin and Brooklin in a deep hole in Boy Scout Cave.
Kids in the Indian Caves
More in Indian Caves
Kids with the sign, and boys with the Boy Scout Cave sign
More rule breakers...these pics are mostly for my brother Joel
What a bunch of naughty kids!
Isaiah in some trees, and baby Kaitlyn
Isaiah and Brooklin on top of Inferno Cone
Snow in the Snow Cone, and the inside of Indian Caves
Heidi, Kaitlyn, Sarah, Cameryn, and Lisa hiking up Inferno Cone, and then a group shot of the same.
19 July 2008
Temple Square and the Twin Falls temple open house
This week we did a lot of driving. We drove Thursday for 3 1/2 hours to eastern idaho to visit with Darwin's family, and then on friday we drove 2 1/2 hours to Salt Lake City to visit temple square (the kids have never been)...and then it took 3 hours to get home because of road construction. Today, we drove 1 1/2 hours to and from Twin Falls for the Twin Falls Temple open house. We are NOT driving anywhere tomorrow...except 5 min to church and back.
The family on top of the conference center...in front of the Salt Lake City Temple.
We went to the Church historical museum, and they had this little place for kids on the second floor, called I Am A Child of God. They had puzzles, toys, books, and dress up. This is the kids in the dress up clothes
This is inside the SLC Temple visitor center. It is so beautiful.
This is Isaiah standing in front of a painting of the prophet Isaiah.
This is my cutest nephew, Cannon. He is adorable!
This is all of us in front of the temple. On the left is my brother and his wife and their 3 kids, we are in the middle, and Darwin's sister and two of her three children are on the right...her husband had to work, and their baby stayed with Grandma.
This is all of my mom's grandchildren...including her honorary grandaughter... in front of the new Twin Falls temple.
This is their "we are tired of pictures" picture.
This is me with my sister and four of my six brothers at the open house
Brooklin and Bill Clinton
We stayed at my parent's house last week. They used to have a lot of animals, but now they only have Bill...yes he was named for our former president. Brooklin loves animals and isn't afraid of anything ever, and she went right out into the pasture and just loved on him. He totally loved her and the I went out and caught a few shots. I think they turned out so great.

16 July 2008
Disney...July 8, 2008 (this was also our 14th wedding anniversary)
This is half of our second day at Disneyland. We spent the second half of the day at California Adventures, and we used Darwin's camera (since mine is kind of heavy) to take pictures, and I don't have them on this computer. I'll try to update again later today.

London didn't want to ride the Matterhorn, so Darwin took her to get her face painted...she is the Cheshire Cat.
London didn't want to ride the Matterhorn, so Darwin took her to get her face painted...she is the Cheshire Cat.
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