Anyhow, in way more exciting news...WE PAID OFF OUR VAN!!!! I had to get our taxes done asap (so I could file for the FAFSA and some scholarships before Feb 15th)...and we ended up getting a nice return. We decided to pay off my van and buy a new mattress for our bed (we are both having our arms/legs/hips go numb during the night...getting old is fun). We had about a year left to pay on the van, but it was so exciting to just get it done early! I got the title for it on Saturday! We are going to apply the money we were paying for the van towards our boat now...I think it is called a snowball payment or something...anyway, so we will be able to pay that off faster now (especially since the van payment is more than twice what we are paying monthly for the boat)! I am super excited to be actually paying off debt in a productive way. It is a great feeling! When the boat is done, we are going to put the van and boat payments into the truck payment and see if that can go away as well! I'm hoping to have those paid off in the next two and a half to three years.
All the kids are doing good...Darwin is good. London's gerbil had six more babies on the 8th! We gave three gerbils to the Pierces on the 6th (Saturday) and I took the dad and the one baby boy out of the tank then too (since Toto was looking really fat again and they mate as soon as the female gives birth). I thought I would have at least a week before she gave birth, but two days later Brooklin was trying to pet Toto, and I heard her yelled, "EWWW! There are babies in here!" The first set of babies were only 37 days old! Anyway, we gave another two away on Monday of this week, so now we have one baby girl and the dad left to find homes for, for now...and then six more babies in four and a half weeks. Isaiah is keeping one of the first babies (a tan girl) to replace his boy gerbil. The factory has been turned off! thank goodness! I think he named his new baby gerbil Peanut Butter...but he isn't sure he wants that name for her...lol.
Well, that is all I can think of. I love school, but it is sure harder this semester than I thought it was going to be!
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