Moo-Lissa and Dreadlocks Darwin.
I got to be the candy passer-outer this year while Darwin walked around to all the other cars in the parking lot with the kids. One little girl walked up to me and said something really funny about my costume...
Me: "What?"
Kid: "Well, at my house we have manure. Cow manure. You know, like cow patties? Cow poop? We have that at our house."
Me: "Wow..." (What else do you say to a cute witch who thinks you remind them of manure!! )

Brooklin made her own costume this year. I tried to help her with like 5 other ideas she had, and each time we would get going on one, she would start doing the silent attitude thing. I'm not sure what was going on, but I got tired of it and decided that she just needed to do it herself. By Thursday night she was really getting grumpy, because we didn't have time to make the slightly time consuming costume that she had decided on, for her to wear to school on Friday. She cried a little, then I tried to help again. I told her she could make her hair big and use the white hairspray I bought her (for another costume that she decided she didn't want to do) and wear tan clothes and be a Q-Tip, (which I think would have been cute) or we could buy smarties and she could be a Smartie Pants.
She taped boxes of Nerds candy to her shirt (and straightened her hair??) and said she was a Nerd. least she was happy. Friday night, I told her that since she was going to have to wear a coat out trick-or-treating, no one would be able to see the Nerds taped to her shirt, so I showed her some animal hat patterns I found online. She again turned up her nose. I decided I liked the hats, so I bought and downloaded the pattern and made the cow one for myself (because I had cow pattern fleece already in the house). When it was done, she really liked it! I told her that if she could decide on what she wanted to do before noon on Halloween, I would take her to the fabric store, but she would have to make it herself.
As you can see, she picked out leopard print fleece and made herself a leopard hat and scarf. She looked really cute in them, and she was really proud of herself for making them by herself.
Caleb didn't tell us what he wanted to be for Halloween. I again started making suggestions, all of which were not to his liking. I told him, if he didn't decide by the end of the day (last Saturday) he was going to be an octopus. He quickly came up with a hunter. He just went through the Outdoor Skills class at school, and got a 100% on his hunter's safety test. Darwin is taking him hunting next weekend, so they bought him some more hunting gear, and we had a camouflage pop-gun from Cabelas for him to carry around. He actually got the orange hunting vest from the school as part of their Outdoor skills class.

London was a jellyfish this year. I saw this costume in FamilyFun magazine and thought it was really cute. We bought a witches hat, covered it with bubble wrap and tulle, and hung several types of ribbon around it for the tentacles. Darwin said that without fail, every car they trunk-or-treated at told her how much they liked her costume.

Isaiah got to be the scary pumpkin this year. I made this costume for Caleb when he was six. Isaiah kind of wanted to be Harry Potter this year, but we asked him if he could be that next year, and wear the pumpkin this year. He said that would be ok. I'm glad we got to use this costume one more time.