Bishop Loder asked me to be the PRIMARY PRESIDENT last week! I'm pretty sure I laughed out loud when he asked me...hahaha! It wasn't anything I was expecting...AT ALL...but the Lord knows what I need, so I'm gonna have to trust him on this one.
I did just graduate from I don't have that commitment any longer. AND all my kids are in school. I didn't really know what I was going to do with all my FREE TIME, and I HAVE been praying to know what I was supposed to do next... so I guess the LORD knew all along. He just didn't want to scare me too badly BEFORE I graduated, otherwise I may have tried to get out of it by continuing in school...even though I knew I was done there.
The Lord's timing is ALWAYS best, but I am so impatient that I NEVER see it that way until AFTER the fact.
...and I wonder why I have to teach MY kids the same lesson over and over...
Maybe someday I will learn. =)