Pictures from Santa Day! This year for our secret service, we took the kids to the church at 10am on Christmas Eve and we cleaned it for two hours. While we were gone, Santa stopped by and dropped off some presents! (If you don't know about our Christmas Tradition of secret service, you can visit
this post... and scroll down to where it talks about Christmas). Darwin had to work all day on Christmas (from 6am to 9pm) so we did our service a little earlier in the day on Christmas eve.
Santa left presents all over the living room, since this year we put the trees up on the plant shelf. (our living room is kind of tiny). It was like a little treasure hunt to find them all.
We had two tiny trees this year and we put them up on the plant shelf along with all the snowmen.
Here is a present to London from "a barrel of monkeys"!
More loot
Caleb and his present from "dasher"
Isaiah got his very own Lego set! He was super excited and spent the bulk of the evening putting it together all by himself!
This is the only present I asked for... It is a wireless remote for my camera and it is awesome!
He really does enjoy posing for pictures. =)
London got her very own Lego set too.
Brooklin got a necklace from
the r house couture. It says "FAIL" on it and has a little whale charm. She saw it and fell in love with it! It is about Jonah and the whale...and listening to God when he tells you to do something. If you don't want to fail...don't run away like Jonah did!

I surprised Darwin this year. I'm not sure I've ever done that before! (Well...except for the first year we were married. We went to the mall and he tried on a bunch of suits, found one that fit and we bought it for him for Christmas. On Christmas morning, he opened all his presents and the suit wasn't one of the presents. I felt like we spent too much money, and I had taken the suit back to the store and didn't tell him...mostly because I didn't know how...but I didn't want to be in debt and we bought the suit with a credit card, so I just took it back. I felt really bad, but I think he forgave me pretty quickly). Anyway...I got him an iPhone 4 and was able to keep it a secret from him! I always get so excited that I tell him what I got him...and it was so hard not to tell him, but so fun to see his face when he opened it!
This is Isaiah's face when he realized that Santa brought our family a red Wii! He couldn't believe it!
...neither could Brooklin. She is the one who got to open it!
and London started doing a happy dance right on the couch!
Caleb was super excited too! He has wanted a Wii forever!
Traditional Christmas morning breakfast of strawberry waffles with whipped cream and strawberry syrup.
Caleb stuck his elbow in his whip cream... hahaha!
mmm, mmm, mmm!