25 January 2009

You'll Find it at Fred Meyer

Darwin went to the store this week to pick up some stuff for me. He watched this old lady pick up a bottle of juice, read the label, gasp, and throw the bottle like it had just shocked her. She walked away in a huff. Of course Darwin was interested to see what was going on in the juice bin, so he walked over and picked up the bottle she had just tossed. It looks unassuming at first glance, but the fine print is the kicker! This is not just another vitamin drink! Hope it makes laugh.

Oh, and by the way, it was so nasty, I couldn't finish drinking it...and it didn't seem to make any difference to either of us. =)


The Dunow Family said...

This made me laugh so hard. This is exactly something Troy and I would to just for the heck of it. I wonder how many teenagers are buying it? Thanks for the good laugh this morning! Love ya.

Angeline and Matt said...

Hee hee, you made a funny...