08 August 2010

1st Day of 3rd, 5th, 7th, & 9th grades

The kids started school on Monday, Aug. 2nd.  This year, our family will have a student at every available (regular) school.  London and Isaiah are in Elementary School, Caleb is in Middle School, Brooklin is in High School, and I am going to college!! (but I don't start until Sept. 2nd).  The two little kids have a partial uniform they have to wear Monday - Thursday.  It is just a school T-shirt and then whatever kind of pants/shorts they want.  On Friday they get to wear whatever they want.

Monday is also the day the movers picked to deliver all of our things!  Lovely!  I was so excited to get our things, but putting that on the same day as the first day of school...while husband was gone...was not my idea of an ideal situation.  I had to ask for help.  There was no way I was going to get all the kids to school (at three different times) and pick them all back up (at three different times) and "babysit" the movers by myself.  Lucky for me we have a "family" where ever we go.  I am so grateful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!  I can say in Relief Society, "I need help" and there WILL be someone there that is ready to help.  I don't have to know them personally (they are all Mormons...what an honest, trustworthy, service oriented bunch of people...lol) but I can count on my Brothers and Sisters in the gospel to be there for me from day one...EVERY TIME we have moved.  There is a missionary couple here in our ward whose mission is a "Military Relations" mission.  I have never even heard of that...but they are here for all the military families in the area.  They were ready and willing to come over and help "babysit" the movers while I went and picked up my kids from their first day of school.  Brother Webster checked off the box numbers as they came off the truck and Sister Webster unloaded boxes of books into the bookshelves.  I'm so grateful for the service they gave to me and my family!!

The kids had a great first day of school.  Brooklin also started Seminary this year (on Tuesday).  She has to be at the church at 6am ready to learn.  They are studying the Doctrine & Covenants this year.  The class is 50 minutes consisting of a devotional(by one of the students), singing hymns, scripture study/instruction, and usually some kind of game.  After that, she has 90 minutes and just over a mile to walk to get to school.  She hasn't walked yet...someone always offers her a ride.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Those are all really nice pics! I'm glad you got some help on the first day back to school.